Starseed beauty

Starseed Beauty – A New Concept To Be More Authentic

I think it’s time to talk about Starseed beauty. It’s said Pleiadians are very beautiful beings. What if most of the contestants at the beauty pageants are Pleiadians? Even some celebrities? If so, are we trying to look like someone who has unreachable beauty? Is it that’s why we swim in an emotion ocean? Maybe beauty needs to be redefined? That makes it more reachable for mass? How much positive impact would it bring to everyday people’s life?

What if they apply to Pleiadian beauty pageants and the current beauty pageants become for only Earth humans? How about starting a new pageant for Starseeds? Each star system will have its own section. I believe this will also help Earth humans. Would it change the definition of a beautiful person? So instead of one option, we will have more to fit in? Will it bring an enormous excitement and relief for humanity? Especially to the people who are under bigger pressure than the rest, like teenagers, young people, celebrities, anybody for whom beauty has a major impact in their lives?   

Beauty is important since 3D world is physical. So visuality is a natural part of it. With the duality aspect, we favor beauty more. Although human beauty changes in times and from culture to culture, it is always an important part of our lives. It’s not just about what it is, also about what brings to our lives or what takes from us. Is it really about beauty or about its power to make people value it so much? Beauty is like money. They are like brothers and sisters. They both have tremendous power. That creates competitions, very harsh ones. Then we have Starseed beauty which is not spoken.

Pressure about beauty with the wrong criteria

In today’s world, by internet and social media, we see what beauty is considered everywhere. Constant exposure in a lifetime. It’s hard not to be affected subconsciously by the clichĂ© description: For females, be blond blue eyes with a model body or be blond blue eyes with sexy curves. For males, be tall, have tanned skin with big muscles.

Luckily, there is a trend to break it. But for example, if there are more fake blonds than real blonds on this planet, which wouldn’t be surprising. It tells that most of us in an enormous pressure to fit the criteria. How many females dye her hair to blond because it looks good on them, without absolutely not being affected by this clichĂ© description?

I can’t imagine the pressure on the people who are models or celebrities.

Not everybody has access to the professional help for beauty

People who are born beautiful most likely stay that way. Some amazingly turn to beautiful later on. Some use a great deal of resources to look beautiful. But most people have access only to the mass produced beauty products. There is an enormous difference between professional touch and what we can do by ourselves. Thanks to the YouTube beauty channels. They help a lot and give some hope that we can do well. On the other hand, plastic surgeries and procedures can be reachable in professional level by everyday people. But do we really have to go that far?

If we all had access to anything about beauty in professional level and experienced it, even only once a lifetime, we would look at beautiful ones differently. Sure, we all know, there are people, they need nothing, even they are covered with mud, they still look gorgeous. But it is unbelievable if you ever experienced what can be done, you would also look at yourself differently.   

Beauty, me and my professionally taken photo

In my early 20s, I became a friend to a beauty salon owner. I tried almost everything she was offering. I spent more and more time there. Some of her clients were even thinking I was working there. So, I learned some insider tips. Looking the best we can be is a big effort. Time, money, products, special machines, technics which we all don’t have all the time or not at all.

I was also so much into makeup products. Eventually, the store owner was giving me one of very few appointments when Channel’s makeup artist came to the town from France. My friends, co-workers, even people I don’t know who heard about me were asking me for beauty and product advice.

My photo on the about page was a one-day event. I went to a professional makeup artist in Beverly Hills. I was observing her with which product and which technique she was using and why. But it came to a point I lost track. I was asking, but too many to remember. I couldn’t wait to see the result. Finally, time came to look at the mirror. I was holding myself hard not to scream. So confused, couldn’t believe what I was seeing, deeply upset and thinking what I should have done next.

Photographer and hair dresser were waiting for me. She was very sweet and with a comforting voice, told me it was for studio photo shoot makeup. It didn’t look good in person, but it would look fantastic in the photo. Then I went to a photo studio in Hollywood. My hair dresser came with his assistant from Beverly Hills. I wore 4 clothing, had countless of hairstyle. Photographer shot 164 photos. That photo was the winner. Can I compare it with a photo casually taken by a cell phone? Definitely not. But don’t we do the similar, even worse, comparing ourselves with professionally done photos of beautiful people?

Arcturian me

Let’s take myself as an example. Through the Akashic records, I was told I entered to the Universe through Arcturus. Well, I saw the universe from outside. You can see more details and some drawings in my first book: So where are we with the reality now? I also saw my alien body. It looked like the pictures on the internet as Arcturians. When I was a teenager, I was seeing some aliens in my dreams. They looked like Arcturians, too.

If I compare that Arcturian body vs my body: In most of my adulthood, I was 100pd, XS size in average height. Some people even told me my shoulders are narrow. That Arcturian me was a lot narrower than me. I have a long neck and very long, thin arms, didn’t count how many people in my whole life gave me advice that I should eat more by saying I was too thin. I also have big eyes, high cheekbones and a small mouth with thin lips. My original hair color was medium copper red, when I got older it got darker. Arcturians don’t have hair, maybe that’s why I never know what to do with my hair, I use mostly a ponytail. I just want to keep it away from my face and neck. I was using lip liners, light color lipsticks, lip glosses to make my lips wider and thicker. Now, I’m thinking what I was doing did not differ from trying to fit a wrong size dress and be upset with myself.

Not a fair game

We people should be first, not the rules. Instead of we are valued as who we are as a whole, one size fits all rule takes over our lives about beauty, too. It takes a piece from our happiness and our inner energy. Eventually we are left with being not enough feeling. 

I believe that we all should be free about how we look. If wearing pants for females and pink shirts for men accepted in today’s world, why don’t we accept makeup and hair color for everybody? How about any style? Even in the ways never done before? How about clothing? Why are these used to define genders? Why do we even need to emphasis on genders? How much relief and happiness would this freedom bring? That would also bring amazing creativity to our lives, wouldn’t that?

What do you think about beautiful person definition, my Starseed friend?

Here is my experience: In my first book, chapter 4, I was on a planet. When a group of beings appeared behind me, I didn’t look at them. I could, but it was natural not to look at them, not wondering how they look like. They introduced themselves right away. They talked to me telepathically, and the feeling they gave was they were the good ones. I was also feeling they were a few different types. That communication was the key, not the look.

So many of us came from higher dimensions. Some of us were humanoid, some not, maybe not even had a shape. How can we fit this rigid beauty definition?

Expanding consciousness doesn’t have to be always about something spiritual. It can be anything which brings a huge relief and happiness to humanity.  

I will contact the major beauty pageants and some shows. Let’s see what kind respond we will get. I’ll keep you posted.

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