In-Person Services

In-Person Services: When I wanted to discover who I was, what my life purpose was in this lifetime and have karma clearing, I tried to meditate and had self-hypnosis for a while. From paid guided meditations and hypnosis to free YouTube videos, I tried many of them for many times. I concluded I could eventually learn by myself. But if it would take years, that wouldn’t be worthy to wait that long.

Although I have some psychic abilities, based on so many tries, I still didn’t know why I was getting information about the universe and the creation.  

So I decided to get professional help. I started with Akashic Record Reading. Actually, I got a few readings. Then a couple of karma clearings. I met some precious Starseeds and old soul humans with a lot of wisdom this way. I can talk to them days and nights, feel like as if only 5 minutes passed.

These are the lovely people that I came across. You don’t have to be a Starseed to use their services. But since I dedicated this website to Starseeds, I thought you may find their help beneficial, too. There are many more lovely people and their modalities to discover. So, this list will grow.

2 Sub Categories : Remote Services and In-Person Services

Some of them offer both remote services and in-person services. If so, they are on both pages under in-person services and remote services. This list is on alphabetical order based on their first names.

I’m not affiliated with any of these wonderful people. I just love their energies, these modalities and benefited from their services. Please contact me, if you love to see such professionals that their services may be beneficial for Starseeds and don’t forget to share your experiences on the forms.