12 unconventional tips for meditation nur akman where benevolent starseeds meet

MEDITATION how to : 12 unconventional tips for beginners

Maybe you want to enhance your meditation. Maybe you really tried the traditional meditation or a few other ones for a while and it didn’t work out for you.

We are not like the same size and shape townhouses in a development or an A4 paper in a 500 sheet box.

We are like one in an 8 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. You know, some pieces are almost the same, but never fit well in each other’s spot. We are like that, each of us is different. Why should our meditation be exactly the same if we struggle to do it?

These are 12 unconventional tips to make your meditation work out for you

  • It’s not about the technique. It’s about how it makes you feel. Are you naturally drawn to it or are you trying to fit in to the technique? Try different ones and take notes on what parts have worked for you, if any. Then look at the big picture.
  • When you receive a download, see a vision, feel something, hear something, take notes. What was different when it happened? There are clues for your own style of meditation there.
  • Listen to any type of music you love a lot, not just soothing soft music. Close your eyes and imagine you are not you anymore. You are transformed into the melody. Your entire existence is that song. Use the power of your love for that song and meditate.
  • Don’t underestimate any routine activity. They can turn into a powerful meditation. For example, chopping up onions, slicing the carrots, weeding the garden. Sometimes vision opens for me in those times.
  • Mix up the techniques and experiment it. For example, put scent on you and sit in a very dark room. Walk in a noisy street or subway and focus on how your hands feel. Any energy? Try another part of your body. Use that time for meditation.
  • Don’t call it meditation. So, no unnecessary stress and pressure on you. If it doesn’t work out, it was not meditation, so your meditation didn’t fail. 😊
  • Escape to the future you love to have. Be there until you feel and be drunk of enjoyment for your future in the way you want. Come back with that feeling and meditate.
  • Concentrate on your most powerful Clair psychic ability. Leave everything behind makes you as who you are. Feel deeply you are not a human anymore, transform yourself to that ability and meditate.
  • Dare to try what kind of feeling to be an angel. Call your favorite angel and focus on what that angel is famous for. Be that quality, not a human and meditate.
  • If you are in the stage of ignoring meditation and not enjoying any more, It gives you stress and you see as a duty. It means you are far from your style of meditation. It’s time to move on to another technique.
  • Read your monthly astrology or talk to a fortune teller, feel as if you were walking on the clouds with the good news, then meditate.
  • Be yourself and stay that way. If no meditation technique works for you, it’s ok. Make up your own style and add anything doesn’t consider meditation to feel truly free and flexible. Meanwhile maybe you discover something new about yourself.

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