I came across this article a few days ago. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/people-share-workplace-horror-stories-134603146.html It was hard to read it. My chest physically hurt. So much pain. Being in those environments every single business day, months and years. How much stress and misery does it bring to life? It takes a lot from people’s health. Not good for anybody, for starseeds even worse. I felt depressed when I thought any starseed working in those conditions. We are here for a mission and trapped for a few dollars. Then I decided to add starseed friendly companies as a page to Resources.
Not every single starseed work in their own spiritual business. Since work takes a huge part of our lives, in which conditions we work are really make it or break it, kind a crucial. In the end, we need to raise our vibration high and keep there as long as we can.
We can’t change the companies. Like people, they change by themselves when their evolution comes to that point. But we can help each other find the starseed friendly companies. Below, here is a blank list. Please email me, any company you know fits the criteria. Their name, web address, city/state, country, top 3 reasons you believe they deserve to be on the list. Grading is below :
A Grade: Excellent fit
B Grade: Almost there, enough to be on the list
Grade C and below need more time. Hopefully, one day, they can be on the list.
These are the qualities a company should have. Please email me, if you feel there is more quality they need to have.
How to be on the list of starseed friendly companies
1) Company Philosophy
A company which realizes that without people, there is no company. They should also always keep in mind that we work to live, we don’t live to work.
2) Work From Home
Covid may give damage to all of our lives in many different ways. But it also did something amazing. Made people experience and realize how bad work-life balance was for many. We need to work from home. 2-3 hours commute, running between connections, traveling in tuna can like subways and/or trains, being standing on a bus, driving a car which moves a few inches at a time. It doesn’t matter where our souls came from, our talents, gifts,…. We have bodies in the 3D world. We need rested bodies, not physically tired ones.
3) 4 Work Days Per Week
I heard some companies have summer Friday afternoons off, some the whole Friday. But I didn’t know there are a lot of companies moving to 4 days a week work (32 hours, not 10+ hours a day) with no pay cut. This is a huge step.
At some point, I got retired early and moved out of NYC. About 10 years later, when I came back, I saw the sad change. 9-5 work was an old story for many. I was seeing people. Their laptop was on and they were working before going to work and still on after work, going home. I can never forget a job description. Immediate opening, 24/7 available IT person. It was literally saying day or night, the person can get a phone call and need to respond right away. Limits way passed for a long time. On the other hand, holidays on Friday or Monday or if you ever got one day off on Friday or Monday, so total 3 days off, you know how it feels. Feeling like that every week. I guess it really helps to reduce the stress, have more rest, even more chores can be done at home. If we think as starseed point of view, we really need that break.
Here is the history about how we came to work 40 hours a week https://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-the-40-hour-workweek-2015-10
This website has country-by-country information https://4dayweek.io/countries and a 159+ company list https://4dayweek.io/companies
4) No Work At Day Offs
This is a biggie for the people who still work at day offs. Especially scheduling your off day based on work and meetings, you can imagine limitations and stress on a free day.
5) No Overwork At Work Hours
No meeting at lunchtime. No work behind while being in a meeting. Not doing more than one person’s job.
6) No Work Before And After Work Hours, On Weekends And Holidays
It’s sad but true. Emails, phone calls, texts, actual work because of aggressive deadlines and doing more than one person’s job.
7) No Minute Counting
Work needs to be done. But tracking and documenting how many minutes we spend for each task just puts a lot of unnecessary stress.
Wish List
I felt without a wish list, this page wouldn’t be completed. These are maybe a reality already in some countries, but dream in the USA. Hope to see they are happening here, too.
1) Reasonable Store Hours
If it could be possible, stores in the USA would open 52 hours a day and every day. Too bad that there are only 24 hours in a day! It seems like a win-win situation. Giving convenience to the shoppers with very extended store hours, even 24/7. Stores also get as many customers as possible. But this is really the story?
Let’s put ourselves to those people’s shoes who are working in those stores at late hours, weekends and holidays. Some have kids, maybe little ones, even babies. Hearing “no work mommy, no work, don’t go, I wanna play” and having no choice but going to work leaving a child by crying. Or a daddy hears the same. For what? Do we really need to go to a store at 10pm because they are open until 12 midnight, anyway? Supermarket shopping for weekends? Also, schools are closed on the weekends, but a parent(s) are working. Can’t go out on a date, because of working, or a course or just sleep in? Just feeling how their daily life is every single day.
It seems like Europe has more balanced store hours. Here is an interesting article https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-12-12-ss-2398-story.html
Although some people want to extend those hours, some want to keep the same. Maybe for religious reasons. But definitely gives more life to those employees. It seems like different countries have different regulations, even big cities differ from others. But generally speaking, it seems like stores are closed on Sundays and Saturdays are half a day. Weekdays close around 6pm and once a week or a month there are extended hours like until 10pm.
It can also be done here in the USA, if we put ourselves in those employees’ shoes and feel their lives. Then even if stores are open, we can go in certain days and hours as if they are closed. No customer on Sundays, very few customer on late hours, wouldn’t stores notice it? That’s how to have stores adapt to the new store hours. We the customers can make this change happen to make someone happy.
2) 1 Year Maternity Leave Fully Paid By Government For Both Parents
It’s actually already happening in some countries. Another story to cry, but in the USA, on the state level, paid maternity leave started in recent years. Paid from the pool, we the employees contribute, and not full salary amount for everybody. Why? Because mommies in maternity leave are technically considered jobless, so lower the statistics!!!
US government has enough money to buy weapons and guns, but not enough money to pay mommies who create the future generations. Well, it’s said that most starseeds don’t make kids, they don’t want to create karma. They come here, do their job and leave. But somebody gotta make some kids. It’s also said that most of the new babies are starseeds. So that’s how this subject is actually directly related to starseeds.
3) Private Companies Adapt The Federal Holidays
In the USA, there are 11 paid federal holidays. Compared to the other countries, the USA is behind of many. But the private sector is even worse, has only 6 or 7 days. For example, schools are also closed on the federal holidays. So if a family has a kid(s), they may get a day off in those days, too. It’s not a full capacity work day, anyway. Why do we have to work more than the people in the other countries?