My Mission for this website is to provide a platform for all the benevolent Starseeds to be themselves, not to feel lonely, to feel at home, to share their feelings, thoughts, memories, questions, to get help to align with their life’s purposes and to improve their conditions in 3D life.
When we get on an airplane, the emergency drill presentation teaches us to put an oxygen mask on ourselves first, then on our children. If we struggle to put it on our children without having secured ourselves, all of us are most likely to get hurt.
Same story here. To help Earth Humans, we need to help ourselves first. So many of us as Starseeds are trying to figure out why we are here. We desire to align with our life’s purposes; it is hard to achieve it all by ourselves.
Life in 3D is difficult, we all now. Most likely, we are also surrounded with people, even family members whose energies are so low, we don’t even attempt to tell anything about our world. And there are times, it’s almost impossible not to be sucked in and lost in 3D drama. That causes us to feel lonely and makes us feel our goals are harder to achieve than they are. That drains our energy which we need to use to fulfill our life’s purposes.
The easiest and quickest way to be out of that environment and mood, at least for a while, is to reach out to other Starseeds. Have you ever experienced spending some time with people who have high energy raises our energy? Even just by talking on the phone about anything nice for a while or watching them in a video, we can recharge ourselves. It even can help to access to our gifts suddenly and easily by itself. Because we all have high energy and our subconscious mind remember.
Let’s say we are in airplane and looking down from the window at night. Let’s say there is someone holding a candle in his backyard. Can we see the candle light? Most likely not. Let’s say there are a few thousand people together with candles. Most likely, we can see some lights when we look down. Also, how much can a candle bring light to the surrounding? How much few thousand can? We definitely feel being in a high energy environment. Anything, even plants around us also feels the high energy and benefit from.
Knowing our exact mission is just the beginning. It may take a long time to make it happen. Maybe some goals are to be achieved by groups rather than individuals.
That’s the reason I added a social networking platform to this website.
We cannot move with baby steps any more. The universe is in the 2nd big change cycle and our lives are temporary on Earth. Months, years, even decades are passing by fast.
"We, Starseeds need to show our mission is to help Humans"
Therefore, we need to unite, support each other and deliver significant results of our efforts – being randomly scattered across the world does not help us do it. We need a strong, integrated community to succeed.
On this website, you will find Starseed social networks for different star systems; started with the well-known ones, the list will expand as more Starseeds join. Each section also has their own forums. The other sections are: blog, events, books and podcast. There will be newsletters, surveys and guests. The resource section features those who provide beneficial services for Starseeds and some other useful information like Starseed friendly companies