This lifetime came first in a karma clearing session. The practitioner said I was head of nuns, was teaching the nuns what I was channeling. Some people in the church didn’t like what I was saying. They tortured and killed us.

It did not surprise me to learn to be tortured and killed. Since I already knew, so many chanelers and healers were killed in medieval Europe. Exact number can’t be known. Estimates are very high, but most likely the real number is even higher. History says many innocent people were killed, even little kids and babies.
What I was not expecting and hit me hard was to learn some other innocent people were tortured and killed because of me. It is a very heavy feeling that sank my heart. That is a huge trauma in the subconsciousness mind carrying from one lifetime to another. Plus, adding more lives like this to the past life list. I understand now why it’s so much effort to get rid of blocks to reach our gifts under layers of layers of stories like this.
I guessed I may be one of those people who killed in Europe, sometimes in history. I read and watched some stories about healers in the past. But they didn’t cause any flashbacks, nothing triggered in me. Maybe because I also experienced in this lifetime, when trauma is so intense to handle, my mind just cleared my unbearable memories. I know they are there, but details are gone.
In the end, it was just my assumption. Hearing from an intuitive practitioner was when the reality sank. It seems like I had a few lifetimes on Earth. In most of them, I was a chaneler and/or a healer. Because of that, I was killed. I want to know more about my past lives. Not because of basic personal curiosity. Because few lifetimes, it ended in the same way. So, their impact on this lifetime must be huge. I need to get rid of any blockage, any residue, anything negative coming from past lives. Also, I know I’m not the only person with this kind of past. Since we are in the 2nd biggest transformation cycle of the Universe, I believe there are more healers and chanelers currently living on Earth than any time of the history. If I can clear them from my current life and be in the full capacity with my life purpose, then I can tell my story by hoping it helps someone else, too. I also want to show an evidence that this really happened by hoping to help the history records.
I believe that ignoring the past, and just focusing on to the future, is a hard way of living. Because we carry some consciously unknown baggage from the past and don’t know their impact of this lifetime. We also have gifts, knowledge, and experience. Without them, it’s very hard, or maybe even impossible, to fully align with our life’s purposes.
It’s like start watching a tv series from any episode instead of the first one and trying to figure out what’s going on. I call each season as lifetimes on different planets and episodes as lifetimes there. For example, maybe this lifetime is season 4, episode 17 for someone. In other words, Earth is the 4th planet that person is currently living. And 17th lifetime on Earth. But because that person doesn’t believe in past lives or ignoring it, if they take it this life as season 1, episode 1. You can imagine how much that person misses for the big picture.
Some may think that past lives interfere with the law of attraction, the law of assumption, manifestation,…. They may not give a second to think about past lives, not to be stuck to the past, not to bring any energy from there. But there is a difference between living in the past and dealing with past life issues, then move on. In my experience, healing past life is quick and resolves the problem in this lifetime by itself.
Actually, ignoring past lives causes still living in the past. Because any residue from there comes to this lifetime. It’s like running a marathon with 10pd weight chained to one of our ankles. We may keep running and make it to the finish line. But you can imagine the effort we need to put. That weight will be always there until we look down, acknowledge it, accept it, then see it disappear by itself.
An example of that is phobias. Hard to live with them. If you have any, you know how it is. Just like I saw/felt how I died in Titanic .My conscious mind learned the story under hypnosis and when I was out of it, my water phobia was gone about 70%. I hypnotized myself by mistake, not by a professional past life regression practitioner. Otherwise, I believe the result would be even better. But some may ignore past life connection. If they work on their phobias, they need to use some workaround.
Another example: we feel we are on the right path, doing everything possible, but things are still not happening. If the feeling is intense and feels right, then I believe there is a blockage from the past.
I know someone who has a lifelong liver sensitivity, so has limitation to certain food and medicine. We may accept as, it is what it is and live with it. But that doesn’t sound fair. I asked if I could make a deep meditation to see if we could learn why. After permission, well, a few past lives came. When I saw the first one, as if I was watching a movie. A group of men were captured. They were in a ship’s room. Its door has a small window with cross bars. The vision was so clear, I could even see the rust in some places. I was on the outside of the door. At the same time, I was deeply feeling intense fear, the terror, the uncertainty, unknown future, anger, helplessness. They were coming from that person with a group of others. Even now, when I’m writing this, I remember that mix group of feelings. It was not my story, but I felt intensively. Then I thought. How did those people feel? How did their subconscious process it? What residue did they bring to their next lives? After meditation, I made a quick research on the internet. It was saying the emotion of anger is connected with the liver. So, if that person’s past lives are healed, can the liver heal, too? Or at least some improvement?
I believe it’s a technical question. Here is why: The Setup, which is a limited environment that the universe is in, is made of consciousness. It is the knowledge and the ability to know how to use it. It’s like a mini-computer. Every little particle behaves in a certain way. That’s why we put tomato seed to the soil and we never get a banana tree. If you raise any baby, you know. It is so obvious there is a software running on them. In certain times, as if a program is activated. For example, they crawl without seeing how any other baby is doing it. Disease, pick any of it, the progress is the same for everybody every time. In other words, we can manipulate the software.
The rule is to keep staying perfectly align with the Setup. It means the process should be natural. We only need to stop the leakage to this lifetime. It was in the past, stays in the past. So, no need to delete the memory, alter the memory or ignore it.
There are many modalities to discover and release the negative impact form past. Then move on naturally and effortlessly. That should be considered a prep work for manifestation, law of attraction, law of assumption, or any effort for the current moment and the future. Otherwise, it will be like: I close my eyes, I don’t see anything, so it’s not there. Really?
Karma clearing gets some details
Let’s go back to my story. First, I tried self past life regression hypnosis. That’s how I saw a church from outside. I think it’s called the Anglo – Saxon style church. The church’s walls were made of dark yellowish brownish stones, shaped like bricks. Very tall cylindrical tower attached to a straight, very tall wall. Outside of it was green, lash grass. Perhaps it was a summer day. Wall’s color and texture, also how cylindric part attached to straight tall wall was like All Saints’ Church in Brixworth.

Thru some divination, I learned it was in England. More specifically at Dove Hole. The interesting thing was, there are some caves in that area. Many years ago, I had a vision. I was in a dark, gloomy place. Walls were from stone, not straight, curvy, the ceiling was not very high and related to church. I’m wondering if it was one of the Dove Hole caves. The year I died was 955 AD.

Then I made some research on the internet to find that church. No picture exactly matched. Then I found an article about Anglo Saxon churches. Interestingly, some information like time period, the color of the walls, the tower was giving me a hope that I may be on the right track.
Later, when I learned the location was Dove Hole, I focused my research on that area. I found the below article:
Divination showed the yellow marked area below where the church was.

It says Digging Deeper Project was at Longnor. It seems like it is at the south of Boxton. Dove Hole is on the north of Boxton, kind a close to this project area. I am wondering what they find somehow suggest there may be a church close by around 950 AD.
I know I still don’t have enough information to prove it. But I have some goals why I’m writing about this past life at this stage :
Remember, there are also fake and forgotten history
Although history books are full of extensive information from the past to tell us a lot. There is also some forgotten history waiting to be discovered. Sad to say, but some parts of the history always have a possibility to be fake. Maybe we even never suspicious they were not about the facts.
We may have some mundane lives. But there could be some lives with key knowledge which provides more information, gives some clues for a bigger picture, and even change the history. We don’t have to be a famous person. But just being there and witnessing to certain things may be enough.
Past lives can help history tremendously. That’s why valuing what we get, regardless of how big or small information is crucial.
Past Lives are not limited to Earth lives for Starseeds
Starseeds may bring a vast amount of valuable information from other planets, star systems, even from outside of the Universe thru past lives. Not just historical information. It may also contain the origin of our talents, trainings and experiences. Remembering unearthly long forgotten feelings and enjoying them is just another benefit of past lives. So we remember how rich the reality is in other realms.
Feelings are missing in the history books
History books talk about people, nations, countries, the events, lots of wars. But don’t talk about the feelings. How did it feel to be an empire and being in fear of being killed by any family member any time because of the throne wars? What kind of feeling was it to make a decision affected thousands of lives? How did it feel to witness an event changed the history forever? How about being in the same room with some powerful men as a maid? Hearing they were making unfair decisions, but couldn’t say a word. How did it feel to be forced to fight in war? ….
Feelings attach us to the people and their stories. For example, feeling the terror of being in a war, being injured or killed or witnessed to see innocent people were killed, or being very close to another person and killing them. After experiencing in a past life, does it help us be united and being against wars more than ever? Does it make us think we should have revolutionary effort against any type of violence?
Looking at history with other people’s feeling view of point may also trigger our own memories. Especially by valuing the stories, feeling their feelings helps us to know ourselves more.
Although we may have a valid reason why we feel in a certain way for certain things, deep feelings have past life roots. They may have an impact on our current lives in negative ways. What if some of those feelings were related to the historical events? Having extreme fear, being powerless, treated unfairly, being forced to do unwanted things, list can be very long. What if similar events happened in more than one lifetime? How would affect our current lives?
We have disadvantage in the 3D world. It is a very simplified version of a richer reality. It’s still real. But like 2 years old boy’s toy car vs daddy’s actual car in the driveway. For example, languages are 2D. We read, hear, and understand. But we don’t receive the feelings in words as if we were in the people’s shoes, in those situations, in those places,…. In the higher dimension, 3rd dimension of the words has transparent energy. Shaped like word size, half cut transparent tubes on the words. Reading them instantaneously gives the feelings, too. Since we don’t have them in our reality, we need to add them some other ways. So, our consciousness expands thru feelings, not just thru doing the things.
More stories need to be told
History is full of events. Good, bad and between. Some people may have come here hundreds or even thousands of times, some may for a few times or even for the first time. The information we bring helps us to discover how we become who we are today. That maybe helps us to look at the things wiser with more understanding. It may answer someone else’s questions or help to fill in the missing pieces. Maybe inspire someone to dig further their own stories and they discover such things. They would never know otherwise. And maybe it opens doors to something very helpful for humanity.
There is always tomorrow to learn more
We may not have so much to tell today. But tomorrow is another day. We can never know. Maybe it brings all the missing pieces to complete our stories.
Helps to history, helps to past lives to be accepted by more people
This is actually a topic for another blog post. But for now, what I can say is more details for historical people, places and events help more recognition for the past lives.
What to do?
Write what you have
Maybe a little piece here and there. Maybe even just a name, a picture in a vision or a feeling. It doesn’t matter how little or how big the information we get. Or if it makes sense. Whatever you have, take some notes. Draw drafts. Put also a date on it. You can never know if one day you get more information and these notes fill in the blanks. Or maybe they help us realize something about who we are today.
Use different modalities to see what works the best for you
You know what it’s said. If you never try, you never know. Try different modalities. Observe how they feel, how much helpful for you. Maybe a combination of different modalities helps. Try.
Tell your story
That may inspire someone else. Or maybe bring the missing pieces to their stories.
If you have no place to go, tell me, I may publish in this website.