Starseed Social Networks

starseed social networks - Nur Akman

Starseed Social Networks are for members only. If you learned from your own memories or Akashic records that you are originated in one of them or you had a life/lives there, welcome to join. If you are in the discovery stage, you can join to “You wonder if you are a Starseed”. There is also a general group for all the Starseeds to mingle called “For All of Us”.

Each Starseed Social Network has its own forum.

When you login, under your username, there will be a drop-down menu. When you click groups, you will see the below list of social networking groups:  

For All of Us

You wonder if you are a Starseed







Andromedans (galaxy)


Benevolent Reptilians

From out of the Universe

Not known to Humans yet

Starting with the well-known ones, the list will expand as more Starseeds join.

NEW ! Starseed Exchange Place – for members only. For the starseeds who graduated from a modality and looking for someone to practice before working professionally. You offer your service as an exchange to get someone else’s service.